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2024 lehigh valley


Alliance Hall of allentown 


Alliance Summer Recreation Program  


Student Interns:  
Angelina Klein, DeSales University, Medical Studies to Physician Assistant Program
Moin Qureshi, DeSales University, Division of Nursing
Sundus Qureshi, DeSales University, Division of Nursing 
Samantha Rizzuto, DeSales University, Medical Studies to Physician Assistant Program

Academic Preceptor:   
Tricia Bernecker, PhD, RN, DeSales University


Community Preceptor:  
Tina Amato, MS, LDN, RD, Nutrition and Physical Activity Manager for Allentown Health Bureau 


Community Site: 
Alliance Hall of Allentown implements a summer recreation program each year for the city of Allentown youth. The program is a collaboration among several organizations to offer a safe and enjoyable summer experience for children in center city Allentown. Held at Hays Elementary School, the program is free for children aged 7 to 13 and operates on a drop-in basis. It features a variety of activities designed to encourage fun, creativity, and learning, such as arts and crafts, games, playground time, swimming, and presentations from Wildlands Conservancy and the Allentown Fire Department.


Team’s Experience:
The Bridging the Gaps student interns supervised children during arts and crafts, at Mack pool, and during playground time. They also assisted at mealtimes and developed age-appropriate lessons on oral health, including teaching children and staff how to brush and floss their teeth properly and distributing dental kits. The interns administered minor first aid when needed and participated in staff meetings to share feedback on various situations. 


The BTG interns at Alliance Hall gained experience managing children in various age groups. The internship entailed more responsibilities than just this managing aspect. The interns were able to form genuine connections with the campers and were able to enjoy the activities along with the kids. They also explored how social determinants of health impact the campers. Alliance Hall provides a valuable escape for Allentown's youth from any stress or challenges they may face at home.


Casa Guadalupe Center 


Casa Guadalupe Center, A Place Called Home 

Student Interns: 
Emma Scotto, DeSales University, Health Sciences Division, Physician Assistant Program
Reese Shaffer, DeSales University, Medical Studies to Physician Assistant Program

Academic Preceptor: 
Tricia Bernecker, PhD, RN, DeSales University 

Community Preceptor: 
Andrea Wilson, Director of Education, DHSc, MEd, Casa Guadalupe Center 

Community Site: 
Casa Guadalupe Center provides resources for the children, adults, and elderly of the Allentown community. Serving primarily the Latino community of Allentown and the Lehigh Valley, this nonprofit organization strives to assist the city's residents with education, healthcare, and social welfare. Casa Guadalupe's summer program provides K-12 students with free meals, tutoring, and enriching activities from various community partners. 

Team’s Experience: 
The Bridging the Gaps student interns worked in the summer camp program at the Casa Guadalupe Center. The interns completed a wide variety of activities and were exposed to new experiences. They created and delivered interactive lessons about health topics, particularly dental hygiene, engaged in arts and crafts, physical education, STEAM, and literacy activities. The interns assisted lead teachers with classroom management and discipline. The interns attended and contributed to weekly staff meetings to prepare for upcoming events. 

Emma Scotto and Reese Shaffer: “The BTG internship has been a fulfilling and fun experience. This experience has provided a valuable opportunity to immerse ourselves in our local community. The professional staff at Casa Guadalupe helped us adjust, supported our daily work, and encouraged us to take initiative. The children gave us motivation to challenge ourselves to be our best. Gaining experience in a community-based organization will inform our work as we become professionals, providing context and invaluable firsthand experience.  â€‹

Promise Neighborhoods of the Lehigh Valley


Making a Promise to Our Neighborhoods


Student Interns: 
Angelina Klein, DeSales University, Medical Studies to Physician Assistant Program
Moin Qureshi, DeSales University, Division of Nursing
Sundus Qureshi, DeSales University, Division of Nursing 
Samantha Rizzuto, DeSales University, Medical Studies to Physician Assistant Program

Academic Preceptor:   
Tricia Bernecker, PhD, RN, DeSales University


Community Preceptors: 
Hasshan Batts, DHSc, MSW, Director, Promise Neighborhood of the Lehigh Valley
Abby S. Letcher, MD, Neighborhood Health Centers of the Lehigh Valley 
Naomi Melendez, Volunteer and Intern Coordinator, Promise Neighborhood of the Lehigh Valley 


Community Site: 
Promise Neighborhoods of the Lehigh Valley (PNLV) is a black-led, anti-racist, woman-centered, liberation-based, grassroots organization stationed on W. Union Street in Allentown. Reaching various cities in the community, Promise Neighborhoods is committed to the success of children as they make their way through life, living and learning in a community made better by PNLV’s unique assets. These include the employees and volunteers tirelessly working to make the organization possible; the local businesses willing to support them; public policy; and a major component, the public programs and services made by PNLV. PNLV’s work promotes a better future and better decision-making and provides useful resources for children and families that walk through the door greeted by the most “Radical Welcome”!


Team’s Experience:
During the first half of each week at PNLV, the Bridging the Gaps student interns were involved in community outreach. This included canvassing to raise awareness of PLNV, obtaining volunteers, doing wellness checks on the community after a traumatic event, and going to local parks and playing with the children to let them know they are supported and protected. The outreach work helped the team feel more connected to the community that they one day would be serving. The interns also participated with PLNV at Reggae Fest, an event held at the ArtsQuest Center in Bethlehem, which gave them an opportunity to really see what Promise Neighborhoods stands for. There, the interns gained firsthand experience with community members and were able to support the organization and potentially recruit new members. The interns communicated the need to end violence, especially gun violence, by educating attendees at the event. They also helped organize and participate in other events to engage with the community; educated community members on the importance of oral health, cardiovascular health, and smoking cessation; worked at the Wellness Center to pick and package food for community members and food banks; made wellness phone calls to community members to ensure that they received the proper resources; and worked administratively, filling out reentry forms and intake forms, fielding phone calls, etc.


Angelina Klein, Moin Qureshi, Sundus Qureshi, and Samantha Rizzuto: “This summer has shown us hardships faced in our community that we didn’t realize were going on. BTG has provided us with an eye-opening experience that not only showed us what it was like to be a member of such a tight-knit family, but the members that we will be serving as we take the next steps into our professional careers. PNLV was a major stepping stone in doing so, as they fully immersed us into our next-door neighbors’ shoes.”

Alliance Hall Summer Recreation
Promise Neighborhoods of the Lehigh Valley
Casa Guadalupe
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